Create a "Help" Markdown template

This document will show you how to create and upload a “Help” Markdown Template 


  1. Access Markdown Templates: In your system administrator profile, navigate to the option labeled "Markdown Templates"

  1. Create a New Template: Locate the "Create New Markdown Template" button (often depicted by a plus sign icon) and click it.

  1. Name the Template: A pop-up window will appear. Enter the name "HELP" to associate this template with the help section (identified by the "?") symbol. Click "Save" to create the template.

  1. Edit the Template Content: Click on the newly created "HELP" template to access its content.

  1. Write Your Help Guide: In the editing area, compose your comprehensive help guide using markdown formatting. Markdown is a simple language that allows you to style text, create headings, lists, and more. You can find numerous online resources to learn markdown syntax.

  1. When you click on that icon to write a markdown, this will redirect you to the next view.

  1. Save the Markdown: Once you've finished crafting your guide, click the "Save" button to commit your changes.

  1. Once you write and save the markdown, you can see that markdown you wrote in the help section.