Fix 'Failed to send media to the server' Error

This guide will explain how to fix the following error.

Our client software will switch to a streaming protocol if a file size is over a certain defined size instead of doing one large form post of a media attachment. This is because our web server cannot accept a single form post with an enormous amount of data in it.  So if a file is above a certain size it will attempt to stream it from the client.  We've seen the following setup cause this error message:  The customer generates their own SSL certificates for licensing using their windows domain PKI system.  For some reason our client cannot resolve the certificate correctly and it throws this error. 

For future version of our software the client streams media is going away in favor of a new media control that streams within the HTML page and not the client so this problem goes away eventually. 

So what is the solution in the meantime?  Well…

In the client installation folder on each workstation is a folder named extmedia and within that folder is a file named CIPReporting.MediaPicket.exe.config.

This file is an XML file and it contains some settings for the client.  If you edit this file you will see an XML section for "mediaSizeRequiredForStreaming".

The value 1048576 (equal to 1MB) is when the client switches to streaming.  Basically any media over 1MB triggers the stream and the SSL certificate failed to validate in our client.  So the simple answer is to increase this value to 100 MB by adding 2 zeros to the end: 104857600. Our software accepts up to 100 MB.

Afterwards restart the client and the error should be gone.

Unfortunately this process needs to be repeated on each workstation which requires local admin rights, IT might need to be involved to edit the file in question. Also please keep in mind that Windows likes to hide file extensions so confusion may arise when hunting for the right file to edit because side by side is a file named CIPReporting.MediaPicket.exe.