Install and Update CIP Reporting Licenses

CIP Reporting 'How to' Guide

This guide will show you how to upload a license in your CIP Reporting software

You must log as the “admin” account or switch to the System Administration profile which has full administrative access otherwise you cannot access the necessary settings in this guide.

1.- Go to the profile selector in the top right corner and select System Administration profile. You may need
to scroll down the list of options to find it.

2. Go to the Utilities section.

3. To add a new license, click on the Manual button.

The Auto button does not automatically update your current license. Instead, it initiates a request for a new license, providing the necessary information to our CIP Support team for processing.

It is crucial to ensure that the System Installation ID shown under the Licensing Information section matches the License Installation ID before proceeding with installation. The License Installation ID will be provided with the new license for verification. Installing a license with an incorrect Installation ID will result in System Failure, with only the Administrator having the ability to regain access and resolve the issue.

4. Paste the text inside of the new license file CIP provided you. Then click on Upload License.

5. Done!